
I didn’t know what to say .The. first .time. I hear or see of Wendy Cross in. twenty years might end up the most celebrated affair of my life.Lord knows everything, else sucks*! wasn’t really
interested in seeing Don Preston,bub I was interested in seeing Wendy.I really wanted to. see wha.t became of her.XXXI don’t think thdt guy I met last week was Don Preston,but you never know.It’s the only place she could" have dgotten my "address. But* I just dont believe that 'Wendy Cross would think of me after twenty years.lt lust seems s.o unlike her,.but not., really,she was always the. frend liest person in. our group,which is why, I wanted to. see her again so, much.Besides that, she'was so pretty ..What1 s wha.t I needed more thdn anything else .Without a doubt I was going to go .to Phoenixk see her and Don Preston again*This is the best thing that’s happened to me since, graduating from, high school.Just getting arlet
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ter from Wendy Cross was enough to give me a feeling, that in my middle that made me so happy.I felt like I was just reborn.I gues ss it doesn’t take much to make me happy,but I’m not. that happy that, often,v/hich is why I welcomed times like these.
After I got up,I. immediately left the motel and got got ona bus for Phoenix that I had made arrangements for the night befor e.I even went to the trouble to send Wendy a letter telling hher that I was coming,and I’d be there by Mother’s, day.XKXMezda wass sorry to. see me go.,but had customers waiting to get in. my room . (without me in it)
I boarded a. bus for Phoenix with no. hesitation.I was inabig hurry to. get to, Phoenix and see two of my best friends I everhad and talk about, old* times.I guess I sound stupid,but I re ally want to see these people again.I was actually reluctant to go today , kuibecause a classic horror movie was. on:The Par of the Doused: w wads of Toilet Paner.The synopsis of it in the TV listings said; Two friends, who. have known each other for life both befriend eac other when their entire planet is attacked by alien wads, of toilet tissue that were doused in joeex seaweed and k c t chup * Sp eciall
thanks t a the Charmim bathroom tissue company for making this # 1 film epic possible.(PG ?i6l)
I didn’t, want to miss that one, but I had to ..I had nothing cn my mind except what Wendy was going to look, like afteraall these
years*!’11 bet she’s; just as pretty as she ever was ,and that
- Author
- mark thomas